Under the collaboration, Adeona will utilize Intrexon's advanced transgene engineering platform for the controlled, precise, and continuous in vivo cellular production of prostaglandin synthase (PGIS), a specific effector enzyme that regulates the production of prostacyclin. PGIS expression is decreased in the lungs of PAH patients and deficiency in prostacyclin production is strongly implicated in PAH. Prostacyclin is a short-acting vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation that has demonstrated a survival benefit in primary pulmonary hypertension patients when administered by continuous central venous catheter infusion (p<0.003). DNA-based in vivo expression of PGIS has demonstrated the ability to increase prostacyclin levels and improve survival in animal models of PAH. Source
Intrexon employs its modular genetic engineering platform in the areas of therapeutics, protein production, animal sciences, industrial products, and agriculture products. The exclusive channel collaboration between Intrexon and Adeona has been established specifically for the in vivo production of PGIS for PAH. Under the collaboration, Intrexon will be responsible for technology discovery efforts and managing the patent estate as well as for certain aspects of manufacturing. Adeona will be responsible for conducting preclinical and clinical development of candidates, as well as for other aspects of manufacturing and the commercialization of the candidate product. Source