
Synbio news • 11/04/08 Scientists have a new way to reshape nature, but none can predict the cost

Synthetic biologists say their technology could tackle climate change and feed the hungry, but its dangers are terrifying...

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Synbio news • 11/03/08 Diesel Fuel From a Tree Fungus?

Petroleum geologists normally look for oil underground…

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Synbio news • 10/30/08 The Clock That Breeds

We humans spend a lot of time building tools out of pieces of the natural world…

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Synbio news • 10/24/08 Biofuels: Eyeing Oil, Synthetic Biologists Mine Microbes for Black Gold

Biotechnology researchers want to reengineer microorganisms to turn agricultural products into gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel…

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Synbio news • 10/17/08 Synthetic biology inches toward the mainstream

As bioengineers continue to build things with the stuff of life itself, the rest of the world is slowly waking up to the power of synthetic biology…

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Project news • 09/30/08 Americans Don’t Know What’s Coming

A groundbreaking poll has found that nearly nine in 10 Americans say they have heard just a little or nothing at all about the emerging field of synthetic biology. This new insight into limited public awareness of emerging technologies comes on the cusp of a major leadership change in the nation’s capital.

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Synbio news • 09/30/08 American Clueless About Plans to Create New Life Forms

If you’ve never heard of the exciting field of synthetic biology, you’re not alone…

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Synbio news • 09/25/08 Pathways to security

Self-regulation is a good first step — but synthetic-biology companies still need independent oversight.

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Synbio news • 09/24/08 Patent system ‘stifling science’

Blocking patents are delaying advances in cancer medicine and food crops, says the Canada-based Innovation Partnership, a non-profit consultancy. The full benefits of synthetic biology and nanotechnology will not be realized without urgent reforms…

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Synbio news • 09/15/08 Hackers aim to make biology household practice

In a third-floor loft where programmers build Internet start-ups, Mackenzie Cowell is talking about the tools he and like-minded young colleagues are using to fuel what they hope will be the next big thing in biology...

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Synbio news • 09/15/08 ‘Designer DNA’ firms step up security over bioterrorism threat

Over fears that terrorists could order the genes needed to make a deadly virus, a group of "designer DNA" companies is stepping up security.

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Synbio news • 09/12/08 Do We Need ‘Synthetic Bioethics’?

With the explosion of public interest in human genetics that surrounded the launch of the Human Genome Project, a new field of bioethics was born, and named "gen-ethics."…

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Synbio news • 08/29/08 Scots scientists find way to make superbugs blow themselves up

SCOTTISH scientists have discovered a chink in the armour of bacteria, which could help win the battle against hospital superbugs and other debilitating conditions.

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