Advisory Board

Deborah Johnson


Deborah G. Johnson is the Anne Shirley Carter Olsson Professor of Applied Ethics in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society in the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Virginia. Professor Johnson received the John Barwise prize from the American Philosophical Association in 2004; the ACM SIGCAS Making a Difference Award in 2000; and the Sterling Olmsted Award from the Liberal Education Division of the American Society for Engineering Education in 2001.

Professor Johnson is the author/editor of six books: Computer Ethics (Prentice Hall, fourth edition, 2009); Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future (co-edited with J. Wetmore, MIT Press, 2009); Women, Gender and Technology (co-edited with M. F. Fox and S. Rosser, University of Illinois Press, 2006); Computers, Ethics, and Social Values (co-edited with Helen Nissenbaum, Prentice Hall, 1995); Ethical Issues in Engineering (Prentice Hall, 1991); and Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers (co-edited with John Snapper, Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1985). She has published over 50 papers in a variety of journals and edited volumes. Her papers have appeared in Communications of the ACM, Ethics, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, The Monist, and The Encyclopedia of Ethics. She co-edits Ethics and Information Technology published by Springer.

Johnson is currently working on two projects funded by the National Science Foundation. One project explores the parallels between surveillance and transparency systems understood as sociotechnical systems of accountability; the other involves participating in a national network to develop pedagogical materials and strategies focused on the impacts of climate change for engineered systems.

Active in professional organizations, Johnson has served as President of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT), President of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT), Treasurer of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (SIGCAS), Chair of the American Philosophical Association (APA) Committee on Computers and Philosophy, and has just completed two terms as a member of the Executive Board of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.