Melanie Swan did not panic upon learning she had inherited a genetic mutation that seemed to put her at a higher risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. Instead she and another "garage biologist" ran a pilot study from their own homes and came up with a countermeasure.
When packing for a manned mission to Mars or the moon, the best thing to bring may not be food or fuel, but specially designed organisms that can create those things for you.
Two institutions associated with the University of California will be awarded $15.4 million each over five years by the National Institutes of Health toward establishing new National Centers for Systems Biology.
A biotech company plans to announce Tuesday that it has won a patent on a genetically altered bacterium that converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into ingredients of diesel fuel.
A new poll conducted by Hart Research Associates and the Synthetic Biology Project finds that two-thirds of Americans think that synthetic biology should move forward, but with more research to study its possible effects on humans and the environment.
Americans are cautious of the idea of creating synthetic life out of chemical building blocks in the lab, but most think it should move forward, a new poll finds.
Engineering new synthetic organisms offers promise of fighting disease and even global warming, but also comes with risk. Now two-thirds of Americans surveyed in a new poll say the field should move forward, while one-third supports a ban until researchers better understand the possible consequences.
A survey released today suggests that while awareness of the burgeoning field is growing, Americans remain divided on whether the potential benefits of synthetic biology outweigh its perceived risks.The poll was part of the Wilson Center's Synthetic Biology Project, which aims to get people talking about the advances of synthetic biology.
A University at Buffalo chemist is applying a common mathematical concept to synthetic biology research aimed at finding ways to boost biofuels production.
A new report from the National Research Council says that Select Agents should be defined by DNA sequence in today’s Era of synthetic biology.
The August 25 Seminar on the margins of the 2010 meetings of the BWC marked the culmination of 3 years of engagement on synthetic biology. The Seminar briefed the BWC community on non-security challenges raised by synthetic biology and illustrated how they are being dealt with.
The US National Science Foundation has awarded a one-year, $200,000 RAPID Response grant to synthetic biology company Modular Genetics, Inc. and scientists and engineers at Columbia University, Iowa State University (ISU) and the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.
The US National Science Foundation has awarded a one-year, $200,000 RAPID Response grant to synthetic biology company Modular Genetics, Inc. and scientists and engineers at Columbia University, Iowa State University (ISU) and the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.